Notion Reading Tracker Template
Bognár Vivien
I'm someone who loves reading. And besides that, I love tracking how many books I read in a month or in a year.
So, if you also love to read and be a little bit more organized, or if you are interested in your reading stats I highly recommend this template.
What you get:
- Reading log: here you can update the process you made in a book
- New releases: track your anticipated books, so you never miss one
- Library: here you can track all the books that you have read
- TBR page: I know you always have a TBR list for the upcoming months, and I also know you never fully succeed in it. But you can still aesthetically make a list for it.
The whole dashboard is automatized, and it's really easy to use it. Everything is changeable and feel free to do it.
Hope you enjoy it. Have fun!
Your reading exoerience will be even better.
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